Blog Fifteen: Check off

Hey, fellow ghouls, fools, and owls! 🦉

Once again, here I am, writing this blog late—1:00 AM. At least I made it on the right day this time (when I wrote in not when I published it). I should be asleep, but your girl was nodding off around 8 or 9 PM, so I made the brilliant (and slightly unwise) choice to drink a tall travel mug of coffee. Now I’m hyped… well, kind of. The caffeine high is fading, but I figured I’d squeeze in a quick update while I’ve still got a little juice left.

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week:

  1. Working on next month’s coloring pages. Got most of the sketches down and done.

  2. Diving into Bootcamp by Gina Rights. I stumbled across some fascinating commentary on the movie adaptation, and both reviewers asked the same intriguing question. Naturally, my curiosity was piqued, so here we are. Only only as far as one chapter though.

  3. I officially posted this month’s story on Kobo and Barnes & Noble! 🎉 Not gonna lie, though—I’m not 100% sold on the cover. Been tinkering with it on my brand-new, exchanged tablet, which, by the way, I’m completely in love with. 💖

There’s still plenty more on my to-do list—projects to finish, plans to make, all that jazz—but I’m taking it one step at a time. Slow and steady, right?

Anyway, that’s all from me for now. Till next time, じゃね!✨


Blog Sixteen: Meeting Goals and Smashing Them


Blog Fourteen: Make up